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Kukinova P. S. The specifi cs of the infl ationary processes development in modern Russian economy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 26-33. DOI:

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The specifi cs of the infl ationary processes development in modern Russian economy

Introduction. In modern conditions, infl ation is a topical problem of Russian economy, which occupies a key place in economic science and economic policy. Identifi cation of the infl ationary processes development specifi cs in modern Russian economy is signifi cant from the point of view of developing eff ective anti-infl ationary regulation measures. Theoretical analysis. The article clarifi es the content of infl ation as an economic category. The concepts of «repressed infl ation» and «hidden infl ation» are distinguished. The study revealed that the development of infl ationary processes in Russia has its own specifi cs, due to the peculiarities of the socio-economic development of the country. Еmpirical analysis. The statistical description of the infl ation dynamics depending on the phase of the cycle has been carried out. The factorial analysis of the development of infl ationary processes in the country has been carried out. The infl uence of the monetary policy instruments carried out within the framework of the infl ation targeting regime on key macroeconomic indicators is analyzed. Results. The countercyclical nature of Russian infl ation and the changing role of the prevailing factors of its development are revealed. The inconsistency of the anti-infl ationary strategy with the goals of achieving sustainable economic growth is demonstrated.

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