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Бесчастнова Ю. В. The Us Experience of Technology Transfer from Science in Industrial. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 38-41. DOI:

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The Us Experience of Technology Transfer from Science in Industrial

Introduction. The effective development of economics of any country is impossible without existence of the effective system of technology’s transfer and commercialization, that are the main factor, promoting innovative development and supply of countries’ wealth in the modern world. Theoretical analysis. Three main models of technologies’ delivery in the universities of the USA are viewed, the analysis of the considered models is carried out in the article. Results. The tendencies of transition from the model of
«licensing» to the model of «change’s model» are educed, the positive and negative features of the viewed models are demonstrated. The positive experience of using «change’s models» in the American universities and carried out analysis of positive and negative sides of viewed models give an opportunity to use this successful experience in Russian universities.


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