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Krasilnikova E. V. Theoretical Approaches to the Study of the Information Economy at the Macro Level. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 505-513. DOI:

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Theoretical Approaches to the Study of the Information Economy at the Macro Level

The article presents some theoretical approaches to the analysis of the information economy at the macro level. The definition of the information economy is given, and its features are listed. Among them are: specific theory of value, the law of increasing returns, low transaction costs, information economic relations. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the concept of aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the market of information products and services. The various points of view on the issues of introduction of information technologies into production are critically assessed. Macroeconomic dynamics is accompanied by sequential replacement of integral complexes of technologically related industries - technological structures. Long term economic strategy at the macro level should accelerate the replacement of outdated technological structures to advanced ones. The reasons of the negative macroeconomic dynamics in modern Russia are examined. Results of the study. A conclusion about the high potential of the information economy development at the current stage is made. Long term economic strategy at the macro level should accelerate the replacement of outdated technological structures to advanced technological structures. While developing countries have the opportunity to lead, purposefully supporting the most perspective growth points of the new technological order.

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