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Basova A. V. Topical Issues of Legal Regulation of the Prohibition of Discrimination of the Rights and Freedoms of a Person Depending on His State of Health in Modern Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 468-?. DOI:

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Topical Issues of Legal Regulation of the Prohibition of Discrimination of the Rights and Freedoms of a Person Depending on His State of Health in Modern Russia

The article investigates the legal regulation of nondiscrimination rights and freedoms of the individual, depending on his state of health in Russia in the current national regulations. Discussion. As a result of the research of legal instruments of the Russian Federation, focuses on a group of federal laws that prohibit discrimination enshrined human rights and freedoms according to the state of his health. Special attention is paid to the factors by which the discrimination of the rights of man and citizen on the basis of health. The author concludes that the prohibition of discrimination of man and citizen on the basis of health is the total of the declared nature, as in different fields there is the discrimination of citizens, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship on the basis of health. Conclusion. Protection of the rights of man and citizen depending on his state of health in the national legislation is not fully implemented due to a lack of effective national mechanisms.


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