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Levanova L. N. Types and Forms of the Corporate Conflicts in Modern Organizations. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 673-679. DOI:

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Types and Forms of the Corporate Conflicts in Modern Organizations

There are lots of discussions about corporate conflicts, their types and resolving in corporate governance literature nowadays because modern problems of corporate management, its development and evolution are very actual not only for Russian organizations. But till this time there is not definition of «corporate dispute» in any legal documents. «Any controversy or dispute between a company and its shareholder that has arisen in connection with the shareholder’s participation in the company as well as any controversy or dispute that has arisen between the company’s shareholders, which jeopardizes corporate interests, is a corporate conflict, since it affects or may affect relationships within the company» – this definition is used usually. Theoretical analysis. Based on the analysis of corporate conflicts in Russian corporations, the author revealed their types and forms of manifestation in Russia, highlighted the most pressing conflicts, analyzed the features of relations between participants of corporate relations. Results. The results revealed the author of classifying forms of corporate conflicts is to propose ways to improve their authorization: the law toughening responsibility for violations of the law in the area of corporate governance, improve the culture of subjects of corporate relations, improve the effectiveness of boards of directors of joint stock companies, to prepare personnel managers and members of the board of directors of joint-stock companies use mediation and shareholder agreements.

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