Russian Food Industry: External Factors and Competitive Forces Analysis |
A set of external factors mostly influencing the Russian food industry is concerned in this article. It includes: domestic agriculture raw material deficit, lack of the processing equipment, insufficient solvency of the Russian population. Basic indices of the factories` operating system having been analyzed, in the modern economy the state should consider the food industry development as a complex system. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 1 |
Unevenness analysis of agricultural production in Russia |
Introduction. Agriculture affects the food, economic and social security of the country. The unevenness of agricultural production is due to natural, climatic and economic factors, for example, the enlargement of enterprises, the introduction of efficient means and production technologies. The increase in territorial unevenness can lead to a shortage of food, its rise in price due to transport markup. Unevenness in the size of organizations also has socio-economic implications. The efficiency of agricultural production is growing, but competition and entrepreneurial activity are decreasing. An increase in social tension is possible in case of a single enterprise bankruptcy. Theoretical analysis. To assess the territorial unevenness of agricultural production, the Gini coefficient and the Lorenz curve were used. The unevenness of organizations in terms of revenue was estimated basing on the ABC analysis and the Pareto curve. Еmpirical analysis. Subjects of the Russian Federation with a predominance of forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming were excluded from the analysis. The Gini coefficient for the GVA of the regions of the Russian Federation in 2018 was 0.45, and in 2008 – 0.48. The territorial unevenness of agricultural production in 2009–2018 has slightly decreased. The Russian Federation regions typology made it possible to identify favorable, risky and unfavorable regions for agriculture and animal husbandry. Results. A significant unevenness of agricultural production both in the territorial context and in the size of organizations was revealed. For 2009–2018, territorial unevenness has decreased. The ABC analysis showed that 80% of revenue from the type of agricultural activity accounted for only 10.9% of active enterprises. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3 |
The Foundation of the Agricultural Development State Regulation |
Introduction. In addressing the issue of ensuring dynamic and sustainable socio-economic growth of the agricultural economy based on internal factors of competitiveness, the distribution of state support among agricultural producers is of particular relevance. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of agricultural state regulation. The need for developing a methodological base and tools for improving the distribution system of subsidiary support for agriculture is scientifically substantiated. Empirical analysis. The analysis is carried out and the dynamics of agricultural financing and the results of agricultural production are estimated. Based on empirical analysis, it was found out that the level of state support is characterized by a tendency to increase the share of costs per unit of result in comparison with industries, which justifies the need to develop principles and a mechanism for improving the distribution of subsidiary support to agricultural producers. Results. Methodological approaches to state support for agriculture are developed, within the framework of which methods and forms of state support are formulated. A system of principles of state support for agricultural producers that meets the vectors of sustainable socio-economic growth is developed. The development of methodological approaches to the state support improvement and the forms of its distribution on industrial and regional levels, based on a set of copyright principles, will make it possible to find key indicators for the effectiveness assessment of the compensating and stimulating subsidy for the regional industrial agrosystems of all forms, factoring in with the achieved level of agricultural innovation. The practical implementation of these proposals will ensure the harmonious development of all types of agricultural products, reduce the gap between the regions in the development of agriculture, ensure the growth of investment in agriculture, as well as increase employment and income of the rural population. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3 |
The Principle of Priority of Protection of Land as a Component of Environmental Environment before it Can Be Used as a Real Estate and Its Implementation in Judicial Practice |
Introduction. In article one of the basic principles of the land right mentioned in Art. 1 of the Land code of the Russian Federation, the fixing priority of protection of the earth as the most important component of the environment and means of production in agricultural industry and forestry before use of the earth as a fast estate is investigated. Theoretical analysis. This principle means that possession, use and the order of the earth are carried out by owners of the land plots freely if it does not cause an environmental damage. Investigating this principle, the author notes that requirements for protection of the earth as natural object are designed for large land massifs, and establish features of protection of the whole categories of lands. From this the special requirements distributed to owners of the concrete land plots follow. Results. The author reasons a conclusion that uniform requirements neither for protection, nor for use of the land plots which equally would extend to all categories of lands do not exist. Conclusion. Having investigated the mechanism of realization of the principle of a priority of protection of the earth as environment component before its use as fast estate, the author reveals a number of the mutual rights and obligations of bodies of the public power and land users, with fixing of measures of responsibility for violation with the last of norms and rules, and limiting the rights of owners of the land real estate. |