
Modern Condition and Prospects of Development of Remote Service in the Banking Industry

Introduction. The purpose of this article is to assess and identify prospects for the development of remote services in the banking industry, using the criteria for evaluating banking activities. Theoretical analysis. In the process of analyzing the remote banking services’ level of development, methods of logical and statistical analysis were used. Using these methods, the authors rank the activities of commercial banks. Empirical analysis. For a more detailed analysis of the bank’s activities, criteria for evaluating remote services are needed, which reflect all aspects of its work. The logic of its application is reflected in the developed algorithm for applying the mechanism for assessing quantitative and qualitative indicators of the bank. In the context of global digital transformation, the transition to Internet technology, one cannot but consider the level of remote servicing of the banking industry. An analysis of existing methods for assessing the banking sector revealed the problem of the lack of indicators to identify the level of distance services, their quality and quantity. Taking the existing methods as a basis, and eliminating the common disadvantages, the author created a number of factors with which you can evaluate the distance services of commercial banks. Results. Based on the results obtained, a methodology was developed to assess the effectiveness of the remote banking services’ level by qualitative and quantitative indicators. The quality indicators include convenience, accessibility, profitability, diversity and productivity of electronic services. The quantitative indicators include the number of customers of remote banking services, the number of self-service devices and the turnover of funds from the provided remote services. The methodology also takes into account the environmental analysis of the bank and the assessment of remote systems.