
Development of Constitutional Principle of Inadmissibility of Censorship in the Russian Federation

The given article explores the history of emergence of the statement of inadmissibility of censorship first in laws of the press and mass media and later in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Comparative analysis of prohibition of censorship in the constitutions of 12 countries formed within post soviet territory has been carried out. Prohibition of censorship is considered to be a guarantee of freedom of thought and speech, freedom of expression and belief, and a right of collection and dissemination of information.

Constitutional Prohibition of Censorship in Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Introduction. For a more thorough understanding of Part 5 Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to take into account the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the content of the constitutional prohibition of censorship. Purpose. To carry out the systematization and generalization of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court on problems related to the implementation of the constitutional prohibition of censorship. Results. Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation devoted to the correlation of the prohibition of censorshipand restrictions on freedom of the media are classified into three thematic groups: 1) censorship and restrictions on freedom of the media in order to protect morality, 2) censorship and protection of honour and dignity of the individual, 3) censorship and restrictions on the freedom of information dissemination provided by legislation on countering terrorism and extremism. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation states that restriction on freedom of speech, freedom of mass information should not lead to the loss of the factual content of these freedoms. This restriction should use not excessive, but only necessary measures. The explanations of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of the criticism of political organizations, ideological and religious associations; of statements about the possibility of judgment and reasoning, using the facts of interethnic, interfaith or other social relations in scientific and political discussions and texts; of the need to distinguish the dissemination of information discrediting honor, dignity, business reputation from the discussion of the activities of politicians and officials, are aimed at preserving freedom of the mass media. Conclusions. Proposals are made to change the words of the dispositions of Article 3.1of the Federal Law dated July 25, 2002 No. 114 Federal Law “On Countering Extremist Activity” and Part 1 Article 152 of the Civil Code (Part One) of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1994 No. 51 Federal Law, aimed at legislative consolidation of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.