цифровые технологии в туризме

Tourism digitalization paradox

Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of domestic tourism development, examines the domestic tourist flow dynamics, and pays attention to the importance of mass tourism development for Russian economy. Theoretical analysis. Institutionalization and digitalization are fundamental elements of the mass domestic sustainable tourism development matrix. It is noted that a direct appeal to the tourist services producers by potential tourists through digital institutions becomes a condition for mass tourism restoration of in our country. Empirical analysis. An important role in domestic tourism development is played by the creation of digital products, which include a mobile application-designer of tourist trips “Be your own tour operator”. The paper gives an example of building a tourist route in Samara, proves the advantages of using the services of the proposed application. Results. The formation of mass domestic sustainable tourism requires the production of a customized tourist product, which can be achieved by applying institutional and digital mechanisms to the tourism industry. The customization of the tourist product reduces the role of tour operators in the domestic market and increases the role of tour guides and other direct producers of tourist services, which is the tourism digitalization paradox.

Creative tourism and digitalization of society

Introduction. The substantiates the relevance of the study of creative tourism and the digitalization of society. The increasing digital needs of citizens are noted. The answer to the consumer’s request is the digitalization of the economy. It is indicated that creative tourism, using digital technologies, is able to ensure the restoration of the tourism industry, which was most severely aff ected during the pandemic. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “creative industries” is considered in detail from an economic and legal point of view. Groups of creative industries are distinguished. It is noted that creative industries are being transformed into tourist niches, which together make up creative tourism. Empirical analysis. The analysis of retrospective data and the forecast of future values indicates a growing share of the contribution of creative industries to both global GDP and Russian GDP. However, it is noted that digital exclusivity is becoming an obstacle in the development of creative industries. The paper focuses on digital products of domestic and foreign museums. The possibility of introducing digital avatars into the activities of performing arts as components of the creative tourism industry is indicated. Results. In conclusion, it is noted that the processes of digitalization aff ect the development of creative tourism. Innovation and experimentalism inherent in creative industries and digital technologies will determine the directions of transformations of creative tourism in the future.

The Forms of Tourism Digitalization

Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of tourism digitalization study. The motives of the tourist market subjects for the use of digital technologies are noted. It is indicated that digitalization is a new form of communication between producers and consumers of tourist services, which becomes a source of competitive advantages of tourist organizations. Theoretical analysis. In addition to the introduction of the concept of “digitalization”, its advantages and possible risks of implementation are discussed. The importance of a new type of employee formation (“digital worker”) is noted, its role in modern organizations is indicated. The importance of economy digitalization in the creation of added value of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy is proved. Empirical analysis. The empirical analysis allows to identify the current forms of tourism digitalization. They include online purchase of tours designed by tour operators, the development of mobile applications useful for the implementation of tourist travel, the digitalization of independent tours by creating so-called schools “Travel for novice tourists”, as well as the development of a single information platform on the Internet for independent tourists. Results. In conclusion, it is noted that in the near future the competitiveness will have those organizations of tourism industry, which will be able to customize their services, thus ensuring a stable flow of customers.