Commission for State Decorations
Questions of Constitutionally-Legal Status of Auxiliary Bodies at President of Russian Federation |
Introduction. The present article is concerned with the status of the subsidiary bodies, which assist the presidential power realization in the field of the person legal status specification, that is the presidential powers, enshrined in Article 89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (The President of the Russian Federation shall: solve the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and of granting political asylum; decorate with state awards of the Russian Federation, award honourary titles of the Russian Federation, higher military and higher special ranks; decide on pardoning). Results. The author studied the regulatory matters of the Presidential Administration, the Presidential commission and councils, which make up the system of the subsidiary bodies under the head of state. Conclution. Analysis of the practice of their activities allowed us to formulate the legislative development proposal through the adoption of the Federal Constitutional Law «On the President of the Russian Federation», distinguishing the chapter «The subsidiary bodies under the President of the Russian Federation», which will fix their status, formation and operation. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |