
The Concept of Fictitious Commodities in the Modern Economy: General Ideas and Key Features

If we look at the modern economy we can see how significant the role of intangible assets and intellectual work has become over the last decades. These assets include fictitious commodities, and nowadays we have to analyze different definitions of this term, explain its basic characteristics and price formation strategies.
Theoretical analysis. For signs of bogus goods is investigated, which serves as the basis for the cost of the real goods. The article discusses various approaches to the determination of fictitious commodities, and basic theories of value creation. Results. According to the research we have defined the key characteristics of fictitious commodities, showed the differences between the value creation processes of tangible and fictitious items. Also as a result of my research the main signs of fictitious goods which in the subsequent will be able to give the answer to a question of were revealed what goods are fictitious and in what feature of the markets of such goods.

Modeling of Innovative Development of Economy on the Basis of the Two Sector of Endogenous Growth

Introduction. Addressing the issues of economic development is driving growth and welfare of countries. Economic development of a country depends on the competitive advantages of the industrial complex and primarily commodity sector of the economy. Theoretical analysis. In the article the theory of imitation and innovation in the framework of endogenous theory economic development to study the dynamics of innovative development of countries with developing and transitional economies. The analysis of the innovative growth of economy in the conditions of increase of volumes of extraction of natural resources, conducted in the framework of the Solow model. Based on the study of foreign and domestic models of economic growth developed an approach that includes a simulation phase, which is the borrowing of advanced technology, and innovation, which dramatically increases the role of private research and development. Discussion of results. The article examines the factors hindering the growth of technological backwardness trap under- and overinvestment. Developed a model that describes the economy consisting of two sectors: the manufacturing sector and the sector of extraction of exhaustible resource. It is proved that in the context of a multisector approach and the endogenous dynamics of technical progress, the nature of the relationship between sectors is complicated. Thus in this work the study of this dynamics is performed using the methods of numerical simulation and mathematical description of the production function of the studied sectors.