compensation package

Social Package: the Nature and Place in Compensation

Introduction. Despite the increasing interest of researchers to the phenomenon of benefits package, its nature and essence, motivational potential, correlation with other categories to characterize payments and rewards received by employees, remain poorly studied. Purpose. to study the essence of the «benefits package» category and the practice of its benefits providing to employees in Ukrainian companies (by means of questioning). Results. The nature of the «benefits package» category and the employers’ reasons of giving benefits to employees were studied. The dialectics of the social and economic nature of the benefits is substantiated. The inclusion of some options into the benefits package is justified as unreasonable. The study revealed that only 63% of companies provided benefits to their employees. Many employers begin realizing the importance of such benefits to increase the loyalty and motivation of their employees. However, employees’ needs and interests may not always be considered during the development of benefits packages. Conclusion. An important direction of transformation of the personnel motivation practice at Ukrainian companies is increasing the quantity of benefits in compensation packages. It is necessary to consider the interests and needs of employees.