concept of the balanced distribution of in- novative resources.
Model of Balanced Distribution of Innovative Resources of Industrial Enterprises Between Objects of Innovation |
Introduction. In today’s world the use of information technology in an industrial enterprises is one of the key factors for its development. Information systems provide the stable functioning of the various companies, supporting all key innovation processes, as well as a source of analytical support for effective management decisions to ensure a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses some aspects of management of innovative resources of industrial enterprises and their ranking. Scientific concept of intentionality shows a balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprise between objects of innovation. The author’s model of optimization of «centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources, helps to minimize risk and effectively distribute them in the implementation of innovative projects based on environmental conditions based on expert judgment. It is proved that in the modern scientific economic literature devoted insufficient attention to the development of methods and tools for modeling and analysis of problem situations in innovation and innovative mechanisms for distributing resource of more often based on an analysis of only the financial performance indicators. Results. The scientific concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between innovation on the basis of modified methods produced objects innovation rankings (alternatives) and developed an optimization model «of centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprises. Conclusions. An assessment of the optimization model of «centralized scheme» developed by the author of concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation. |
Номер журнала 496 |