
The Role of the State in the Provision of Economic Safety of a Personality

The paper considers the role of the state in the provision of economic safety of a personality. It is tried to define the term «socio-economic policy» in detail. Special attention is paid to the issue of the place and role of the state in protection of the economic interests of the country on the whole and each person in particular.

Capital Market Structure Changes in an Emerging Digital Economy

Introduction. The structure of the capital market can be classified according to several parameters: time, institutional, organizational, etc. The article examines the functional structure of the capital market. Theoretical analysis. Various types of changes in the functional structure of the capital market due to the digitalization of the economy – human, monetary, currency, stock, credit and investment – are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to changes in the structure of human capital associated with the replacement of traditional economic activities (primarily based on the exploitation of natural resources) by technologically more advanced types. First of all, changes in the structure of monetary capital are the introduction of various electronic payment systems and non-state monetary systems based on cryptocurrencies. Shifts in the capital structure in the foreign exchange and stock markets are manifested in the transfer of major transactions into the virtual sphere. Changing the structure of credit markets in the context of digitalization has both positive (growth of lending) and negative sides (increase in overdue debt). Results. A conclusion is made about the contradictory impact of the capital market structure changes on economic dynamics in the conditions of digitalization.