digital technologies

Digital technologies in the sphere of health care as a way to ensure the quality of human capital

Introduction. The article considers the relevance of the digital technologies introduction in healthcare organizations, accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the publication is to clarify the role of digital technologies in the healthcare sector for solving applied problems and ensuring the quality of human capital as a factor of the sustainable development of the economy. Theoretical analysis. A review of Russian and foreign publications on the subject of digitalization in the field of healthcare is given. The problems of digital health are highlighted. The directions for the introduction of digital technologies in the domestic healthcare system based on the technologies of mobile healthcare, electronic medical records, medical analytics, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence systems are presented. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data on the federal districts of Russia. Results. The results of the study made it possible to identify the limiting factors for the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare organizations in Russia, to clarify the importance of digital technologies for ensuring the quality of human capital. Conclusions. The results and conclusions of the article can become a theoretical platform for further research to advance healthcare towards the implementation of the digital maturity model and the widespread use of digital technologies for the provision of medical care and services in the healthcare system.

Pandemic of Coronavirus as a Factor of Intensification of Development and Implementation of Digital Technologies

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the largest business and economic shocks in modern history. Although it is difficult to assess the long-term consequences of this phenomenon at the current stage, events have already taken place in the economy that have catalyzed a number of changes. And in particular, these systemic innovations are closely related to the digitalization of technological business processes, which most of the market participants cannot ignore. Theoretical analysis. The economic downturn caused by the spread of the new coronavirus infection can be classified as an unpredictable factor that has made the external economic environment aggressive for a large proportion of enterprises, forcing businesses to seek alternative internal growth points. Empirical analysis. Based on the programs and strategies for adapting companies to the new crisis and the digital and operational transformations they have carried out, a number of elements can be identified that are integral to business models both during the period of isolation and after the end of the pandemic. Results. Universal self-isolation has become a unique phenomenon in the economy, on the one hand, manifesting itself as a global economic recession, and on the other, causing accelerated scaling and industrial application of digital technologies.

Digital Economy: Key Trends and Development Objectives

Introduction. This study aims to analyze the essence of “digital economy” definition, study the main trends in its development and identification of the specifics of its formation in Russia, as well as the definition of the digital economy developing objectives in our country in the medium term. Theoretical analysis. Today digital economy has become an integral part of the socio-economic development. Thus, the analysis of digitalization trends, the assessment of its role in society, the impact of digital modernization on economic growth and life quality indicators are the most important research objectives. The article analyzes approaches to defining the concept of digital economy as a socio-economic phenomenon, on the basis of which the author’s approach to the interpretation of the economic category of “digital economy” is proposed. The global trends of digital economy development and the features of its formation in Russia are considered. Empirical analysis. Based on the main world digital economy ratings’ analysis, this study confirms both the achievements and the problematic aspects of its formation in Russia. It is noted that today, on a global scale, digital modernization is moving to the stage of building a digital society as a new global system and an additional impact to this process is given by the economy crisis connected with spreading of the new coronavirus infection. Among the main problems of digital modernization in Russia are the lag in the digital infrastructure development, the digital divide between regions and the consumption digitalization to the detriment of the digital industries development and creating of high added value into the digital industry. At the same time, the positive trends are the domestic business interest in digital transformations and the world class level of public services sector digitalization. Results. Based on the analysis, the article’s authors see the accelerated development of digital infrastructure, large-scale digitalization of industry and basic life spheres, as well as the digital literacy development and the education system modernization, as main objectives on the way to the digital economy development in our country.

The Concept of “Industry 4.0” as the Basis for the Industrial Sector Reindustrialization

Introduction. The modern economy, based on digital technologies, poses the question for the public and private sector of how to modernize the industrial sector most effectively and smoothly through these technologies. Theoretical analysis. The researchers formed the idea of the need to modernize the industrial economy with the help of digital technologies, primarily through increasing the efficiency of planning processes and organizing the reproduction system. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the subtotals, the model of transition to the digital industrial sector Industry 4.0, introduced in Germany, is carried out. The key elements connecting the Internet of Things technology and the industrial sector of the economy are decomposed. The scheme of building global networks based on cloud-based platforms with communication between intelligent objects is considered. The main problems that enterprises face when introducing digital models in production are highlighted. Results. For the successful digitalization of Russian industry, in addition to harmonizing and harmonizing the interests of business and the state, developing an appropriate digital institutional environment, it also requires the development and harmonization of industrial standards, the implementation of a range of measures to ensure information security, training for digital industries and expanding cooperation in the “business – science – education – power” system. 

Digital Rights as a New Object of Civil Rights

Introduction. The article analyzes the changes made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation concerning introduction of a new object of the civil rights – the digital rights. Theoretical analysis. The category of the digital rights is designed to settle the relations arising from the use of cryptoassets, first of all, such as cryptocurrencies and tokens. At the same time, it is not directly specified in the accepted edition of the law, the definition of the digital rights used in the edition can potentially extend to a much wider range of objects. At the same time, cryptocurrencies and tokens are not essentially new objects of the rights. In fact, they represent entries in the decentralized register constructed with the use of blockchain technologies. They are neither property nor property rights, they represent a technologically new way of a record of property rights. Results. The author draws the conclusion that it is inaccurate to refer to the digital rights as the objects of civil rights. To regulate economic circulation, it would be sufficient to recognize the fact that property rights can be recorded in a digital form, including recording by means of entering records into the decentralized registers. Consolidation of similar provisions in the civil legislation would allow to apply all the civil tools necessary for the use and protection of cryptoassets.

Transformation of Law under the Influence of Digital Technologies: New Requirements to Training of Lawyers

Introduction. The article looks at how development of technologies is influencing and might influence the processes of law enforcement and law-making in the future and what changes in legal training it will require. Theoretical analysis. Nowadays, the use of modern digital technologies in the sphere of public management involves emergence of a number of the problems connected with inflexibility of machine regulation and inevitable mistakes in functioning of these technologies. At the same time, from the legal point of view there is a gap between regulations and technologies which mediate their application. The authors assume that in the long term this gap can be and has to be overcome, which will entail transition to a technological method of legal regulation. It, in turn, will require essentially new competences from lawyers. Empirical analysis. On the way of transition to a technological method of regulation it is necessary to pass several important stages of transformation of law: 1. Recognition by the state (states) of cryptocurrencies and/or other values, possession of which is confirmed only by records in a blockchain, development of the precepts of law regulating their address; 2. Full integration (or reflection) of the processes in the real world with data in information systems; 3. Transformation of regulations in an electronic form, giving them the properties of self-feasibility. Results. The authors make the conclusion about potential transition of both law-making, and law realization mainly to an electronic form, which, in particular, will require development of the legal focused programming language for recording precepts of law. It, in turn, will objectively lead to the fact that knowledge of information technologies, their legal regulation and fundamentals of programming of legal documents will become necessary competences for graduates of legal majors and specialties.