economy digitalization
Ensuring the Company’s Economic Security in the Conditions of Economy Digitalization |
Introduction. Currently, the economy digitalization is accelerating and transforming the company’s management system. The article discusses the problems and prospects of ensuring economic security in the context of companies’ digitalization based on personnel risk management. Theoretical analysis is based on the identification of personnel safety risks based on the systematization of theoretical practical and applied research done by Russian and foreign authors on this issue. Empirical analysis. The diagnosis of the personnel security level at the enterprise LLC “SEPO-ZEM” is carried out, factors that impede the digitalization of the company are identified. Results. Specific personnel risks that arise in the process of company digitalization are identified, which are connected with a lack of personnel with a high level of digital competencies, inability to synchronize ICT with business activities, information overload, non-compliance with the “digital diet” with a low level of “digital interaction culture”, etc. The degree of negative impact of personnel risks can be minimized by increasing the level of personnel security, in particular internal staff mobility, rejuvenating the team and regulating the fluidity level. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1 |