экономическая интеграция

Economical Integration and Economical Growth: Interconnection and Interdependence of Processes

The article analyses the influence of integration on the economical growth and development of national economy, considers the interconnection of the system integration and sustained growth of economy. The article raises the problem of forming a highly functional structure of the Russian economy.


With the expansion of international economic relations national tax policy cannot be considered only as a set of measures providing the domestic regulation in the country and ensuring the implementation of social and economic policy. Interstate traffic of goods, labor and capital increases the importance and the role of taxes in the distribution relations both between businesses and the state, and among the countries that are active in foreign trade. Theoretical analysis. The article studies the directions of harmonization of tax policy Eurasian EC. Methods. The article proves the necessity of system approach to the analysis of tax systems of the Eurasian countries and work on the harmonization of tax laws of the member states of the integrated community. The system approach will develop the theoretical and methodological base for the process of development the tax harmonization in Eurasian countries, make the interstate integration process more stable and dynamic. Results. The developed by the authors analysis results in the detection the most important areas of the Eurasian integration processes under the influence of tax arrangements, including the harmonization of indirect taxation in Eurasian countries, the establishment of general principles of taxation of income and property in Eurasian EC, intensification the information interchange between the tax services of Eurasian countries

About the Harmonization of Indirect Taxation in the Eurasian Economic Community

The differences in the systems of indirect taxation in Eurasian countries give rise to a number of negative consequences that impede the harmonization of tax systems of these countries, and, as a consequence, slow down the process of Eurasian integration in general. The study reveals the most acute contradictions in the principles of levying indirect taxes in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community, and offers recommendations to eliminate them. Methods. On the basis of a systematic approach to the study of multilateral tax treaties between Eurasian countries and methods of system analysis of the principles of indirect taxation, the current trends in the harmonization of indirect taxation in Eurasian EC are highlighted in the article. Results. The result of the analysis carried out in the article was the development of a set of recommendations for the unification the procedure of calculation and levying indirect taxes in the Eurasian Economic Community.

About the Necessity and Ways of Harmonization of Taxation of Profits and Income in the Eurasian Economic Union

Introdiction. One of the priority tasks of the newly established Eurasian economic Union (EEU) is conducting a coordinated fiscal policies of member countries, involving the creation of a single market of goods, services, capital and labour. A scientific approach to solving this problem involves the development directions of adjustment and streamlining of regulatory legal acts in the field of tax law, unification of methods and forms of tax planning and forecasting. Primarily within the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union it is expected to unify the approaches to the taxation of profits and income of tax residents of member States of the EEU. The article discusses some of the areas of harmonization of direct taxes in the Eurasian economic Union. Theoretical analysis. The study analyzes the corporate profit tax and income tax on individuals in the Member States of the EEU, which revealed significant differences between qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the essential elements of taxation. Results. The result of the analysis carried out in the article was the development of a set of recommendations for the unification the procedure of taxation of income and profits of businesses and individuals in the Eurasian Economic Union.