Economic Safety of Russia in the Conditions of the Being Globalized World |
Since the second half of the XX century to the present time there are significant changes in the regional and global level. These changes are caused by the processes of integration and regionalization. The increasing role of the regions in the evolution of the international community and in the life of many modern states, makes all the more important processes of regional development. These dynamic changes in regional development are of considerable interest of scientists from different disciplines concerned with regionalism, because lately, the importance of certain regions due to both economic and geopolitical situation. Theoretical analysis. The paper analyzes the significance of the economic security of Russia. The value of the Arctic region in the political and economic security in the context of globalization. Results. The analysis indicated the value of the Arctic region in the geopolitical game of large modern states and its importance in the structure of the national security of Russia. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(1) |
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on small and medium-sized businesses |
Introduction. Throughout the existence of the Russian Federation, its economy is constantly being shaken by crises, and the year 2020 was no exception, when the Covid crisis broke out in the country, as a result of which service enterprises were badly affected. In this regard, we believe that assessing the impact of the current crisis on small and medium-sized businesses, as well as analyzing state support measures, is an urgent and timely task being solved by economic science. Theoretical analysis. Around the world, small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the economy, since in developed countries their share occupies more than 80%. The increased attention and demand of this sphere is due to their high adaptability to crisis situations, as well as the involvement of a significant number of employees in the business. As for Russian realities, in the early 1990s, the demand for this type of enterprise was insignificant, due to the legacy of the Soviet Union in the form of large monopolies, but in the process of transformation and the transition to the digital economy, the country’s government is forming infrastructure aimed at supporting this sector. Empirical analysis. The response in developed countries of the world (USA, Germany, Italy, UK) to the Covid-19 crisis was the support of entrepreneurs in the form of interest-free lending, deferral of loan and leasing payments, and employee benefits. In Russia, on the one hand, the rescue package was close to the world one, but in fact many entrepreneurs were unable to take advantage of them, due to high bureaucracy and a weak regulatory and legislative framework. Results. The Covid crisis has largely struck the Russian service sector, as a result, more than 3 million entrepreneurs are on the verge of closing their businesses, and some have already become bankrupt. The negative factors that aggravated the situation were also: a decrease in real incomes of the population, a decrease in oil prices and economic sanctions against Russia. As a result of a circumstances combination, the economy plunged into crisis and the Government of the Russian Federation was forced to develop measures aimed at maintaining small and medium-sized businesses, but these measures are not enough and enterprises continue to close. The only positive point is the transition of most enterprises to an online format, which brings the country closer to the digital economy. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4 |
Constitutional social rights in the countries of the European Union. Theoretical provisions and problems of implementation |
Introduction. Social rights belong to the second generation of human rights and freedoms, they ensure social security, all-round development of the individual. They are widely represented in the national legislation of the countries of the European Union, primarily in the relevant legislation. However, the same cannot be said about constitutional law, which is associated with different approaches of legal scholars and proven practices in the legal regulation of the implementation of social guarantees in a particular state. The methodological basis of the work was formed by general scientific and special legal research methods. Theoretical analysis. In the scientific European literature there is no single approach to the definition of basic social rights, their essence, types, legal consequences. Moreover, there are fundamentally opposite points of view about the need for their recognition and consolidation at the constitutional level. Thus, the discussion is on in individual states and the European Union as a whole. In the legal doctrine of a number of countries, for example Germany, broad and narrow approaches are used to define social rights. At the same time, at the pan-European level, a broad approach is mainly used, which draws attention to the presence of social guarantees in the Constitutions and, accordingly, state target programs of a social orientation. Empirical analysis. In general, the Constitutions of the EU countries enshrine certain social rights, which may differ in the actual form of their expression in constitutional acts. This form depends on legal approaches, traditions, historical path, economic and political experience of the state. Meanwhile, the point of view about the need to recognize social rights at the highest level, despite the existing criticism, became decisive during their subsequent inclusion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Results. The working document of the European Parliament distinguishes between three systems for integrating social rights into the Basic Law: liberal (for example, Austria), moderate (for example, Germany) and southern European (typical of Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece). At the same time, the comparison shows that for the realization of the rights of the second and third generations, constitutional consolidation is not enough; a socio-political consensus is needed, reflected through the normative legal acts adopted by the legislative body. In the European Union, attempts are being made to expand social guarantees, which face the rejection of the concept of unification of social rights by individual member states. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3 |
Global Digital Space: Prospects and Threats to the Economic Development of Countries |
Introduction. Currently, the world is creating a global digital space. This process covers, to a greater or lesser extent, virtually all countries of the world. The relevance and vitality of this process is proved by the digitalization of not only the economy, but also of all spheres of human activity. Despite the increasing degree of research of this process, there raises the question of finding the threats and prospects that should be expected from digitalization for the economic development of our country. Theoretical analysis. The historical aspect of the digital economy development is investigated, the causes of this process are revealed. The article notes the first identification of this concept with such concepts as e-Commerce, file exchange through a peer-to-peer network. We consider the prevention of simplified understanding of digitalization, linking it only with these concepts. The data on the emergence of completely different phenomena, connected with the digitalization in the XXI century, the features of this process in different countries of the world in the context of the existing process of globalization are given. Both advantages and threats associated with the penetration of digitalization into the global space are considered. The benefits of digitalization are linked to the ease of copying, transmission and dissemination of information. The threats to the global space that are caused by the spread of digitalization can be associated with copyright infringement, copying, “piracy”, which ultimately results in the loss of investment. The influence of external political and economic threats that are applied to our country can no longer exclude Russia from the list of business partners in these new conditions of globalization. Digitalization erases all obstacles to cooperation between different countries, including Russia. Empirical analysis. The article analyzes the facts that prove the undeniable advantages of digitalization for all countries. The leaders in the market of IT are revealed, taking into account such indicators as the number of Internet users, convenience/difficulty of access, the availability of analog additions, the developed telecommunications market, which does not exclude the possibility of its further development. It is noted that today they influence the transition of countries from one category to a higher one. In this regard, the classification of countries presented by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is relevant. It is based on indicators showing the presence of high technology: the relative level of development of digital operations and GDP per capita, the degree of economic operations’ digitalization. These data make it possible to identify the most developed countries. There are currently no more than six. Results. Taking into account the factors described in the article will contribute to the implementation of the main goal of digitalization penetration into the global space – the achievement of business success in all countries, including Russia. This makes it possible to speak about a new meaning of the concept “globalization” and makes the thesis of “the invisible hand of the market”, i.e. personal interest, relevant again. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1 |