Eurasian Economic Union
Concept and Content of Customs Administration in the Eurasian Economic Union |
Introduction. Modern realities require that customs authorities should improve the quality of customs administration. However, despite the wide use of this concept, its content is still not clearly defined either at the level of legislation or in the scientific literature. Purpose. The main goal of the work is to study the concept and content of customs administration, which is especially important in the context of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Results. The study of the institution of customs administration contributes to the correct consolidation of the concept in scientific, reference literature and legislation. Conclusion. Customs administration is considered as the functioning of the management system in the field of customs that helps implement the law enforcement and fiscal functions of customs bodies and increase the reliability and quaulity of customs formalities. Possible ways of improving the institution have been proposed. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1 |
The Current State and Problems of the Labor Market in the EAEC Countries |
Introduction. The labor market is a fundamental factor in the economy of any country, and the functioning of the national economy depends on its dynamics and condition. A review article on the labor market of the EAEU countries. Empirical analysis. The article analyzes the state of the labor market and labor market problems, among which the authors especially highlight: market imbalance; Presence of restrictions, including legal ones, reduction of real mobility opportunities for the able-bodied population; Monopolized economy in some countries of the world, at its expense. An important place in the article is given to the review of the labor market of the EAEU countries and identification of the main problems, among which: the widening gap between supply and demand, skilled labor, the aggravation of the employment problems of certain socio-demographic groups of the population, the increase in the flow of labor migration from the EAEU member states to the Russian Federation, Lack of a common information base on employment issues of the EAEU member countries. Results. The article provides recommendations on overcoming labor market problems (the development of labor exchange between the member countries on a mutually beneficial basis, the regulation and activation of interaction between educational institutions and the state, companies, the expansion of the authority of the labor resources department of the Department of Labor Migration and Social Protection of the EEC ( Eurasian Economic Commission), creation of an information base on employment issues and vacancies in the EAEU countries). |