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Fetishization Trends in Contemporary Russian Economy

Introduction. Theoretically and practically it is important to study the relationship a fetish of the economy, as real housekeeping can be improved only by reducing the degree of fetishization of economic relations. The article deals with theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship a fetish and their practical application in the country. Theoretical analysis. Fetishization of the concept of economic science is an attitude about the exaggeration of the role in real-world business processes specific events and the strong dependence of man on this phenomenon. Fetishization exists at all levels of the economy and is characterized by all its subjects. Discussion of results. There is an old form of economic and fetishization of any new forms in the modern Russian economy: the fetishization of investment capital, etc. The yield on the fetishization of government level complicates the work of the latter and makes new ways to implement real economic relations in market conditions. Conclusions. Fetishization of the economy is the objective-subjective, difficult to known and difficult to reduce the impact on the real economic processes. Have economic synergies, cooperation entities provide modern forms of exposure to fetishization of management of the economy.