
The State Support of Small Business: Myth or Reality?

Introduction. Small business development has become one of the priorities of the economic policy of the country. This article led to the location and role of small business in today’s economy. Theoretical analysis. Small business is the locomotive of the economy of the country, it is a great force. Periodically creates favorable conditions for the prosperity of small businesses. The problem of building up this sector of the economy raised the authorities at all levels of management, and therefore reflected the changing regulatory framework. The purpose of the article is a study of the principles and methods of the State support of small business in Russia. Article is based on a dialectic-materialistic method, which includes historical and logical methods of cognition, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Results. Specifics and particularly significant problems of small business. Investigated the institutional aspects and the mechanism of realization of the State support of small business development. Main findings enrich the theory of government regulation of small business development and allow you to generate effective tools for implementing a system of State support for small entrepreneurship with a view to sustainable development.