glass destruction

Research into Morphological Signs Arising When Shooting from Snoothbore Hunting Weapon at Glass from Triplex

Introduction. Automobile windshields act as objects of research in various categories of cases – criminal, civil, etc. The information obtained in the study of such objects is of important evidentiary value. From the forensic point of view, the windshields of automobiles, which are made of triplex and have physico-mechanical and consumer characteristics that are different from ordinary glasses, are of the greatest interest. Theoretical analysis. The article is devoted to the analysis of morphological features that occur when shooting from a smoothbore hunting rifle into the windshield of a car with various types of shells and from different distances. The triplex design implies a special fracture pattern, which is formed by a multilayer structure, moreover, the polymer layer does not allow broken fragments to crumble. The author analyzed the characteristics of the features that allow, with a high degree of certainty, to quickly determine the approximate direction of projectile approach and the distance of the shot. Discussion of results. On the basis of the study of morphological signs that occur when shooting from a smoothbore hunting weapon into a car windshield from triplex, the direction of projectile approach to the glass is determined, as well as the differences in damage caused by different shells and the same shells, but from different distances.