государственные информационные системы
Information systems as a tool for regulating public relations: Analysis of Russian and world practice |
Introduction. The practice of public administration in the Russian Federation is largely based on the implementation and use of public information systems in all areas. Such information systems become a tool for influencing public relations, firstly, acting as a continuation of legal norms, secondly, replacing the actual norms of law in rare individual cases and, finally, acting as a means of certifying and qualifying legal facts. Theoretical analysis. Legal facts act as the most important links of the legal mechanism – both in legal regulation and in law enforcement. An integral part of the legal regulation mechanism is the system of fixing and certifying legal facts. Empirical analysis. State information systems ensure the maintenance of state registers intended for registration and storage of legal facts, and are also able to collect information in an automated mode and receive new information based on the processing of primary data. In the system of legal regulation, there is a tendency to endow such data with legal force, as a result of which they act as legal facts, and the activities for their qualification are delegated to the information system. The increasing complexity of information systems leads to the fact that the implementation of the rights and obligations of subjects becomes critically dependent on their correct work. Results. The author proposed to establish a number of legislative principles and restrictions, in particular, the principle of verification of conclusions obtained through the use of information systems by a person, in cases where such a conclusion has the force of a legal fact that affects the rights and obligations of a person. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4 |
The Legal Regime of State and Municipal Information Systems |
Introduction. State and municipal information systems are the most important tools for building the platform of e-government and of the digital economy. Systemic study and improvement of their legal support is possible through the category of “legal regime”. Theoretical analysis. Administrative and object legal regimes are singled out. The legal regime of information systems refers to the objective ones. The legal regime of the state (municipal) information system is a set of interrelated legal means to achieve the desired social effect of using the state (municipal) information system. Empirical analysis. Structurally legal regime is a system of interrelated and interacting elements, among which normative and non-normative elements can be singled out. The purpose of establishing a legal regime, the principles of the institution of state and municipal information systems are of particular importance among non-normative elements. The block of normative elements is formed, first of all, by the norms determining the legal status of participants in information relations related to the creation and use of state and municipal information systems. Results. There are the following mandatory regulatory elements of the legal regime of the state (municipal) information system: the purpose of creating and designating an information system; requirements for the composition and content of the information resource; requirements for technical, software, linguistic support of the information system; requirements for the processes of creating an information system (including commissioning, modernization, decommissioning); the legal status of information providers; the legal status of users of information; legal status of the information system operator. |
Введение. В современных условиях возрастает роль государ- ственных информационных систем как особого инструмента воздействия на общественные отношения в различных сферах, связанных с государственным управлением. В связи с этим ак- туальным является изучение правового режима таких систем и, в частности, правового режима информации, составляющей их информационный ресурс. Теоретический анализ. В со- ответствии с законом информация, содержащаяся в государ- ственных информационных системах, является официальной. В российском законодательстве данное понятие не имеет легаль- ной дефиниции, однако подкрепляется обязанностью государ- ственных органов обеспечить достоверность такой информации. Эмпирический анализ. Правоприменительная практика идет по пути признания прав граждан и иных лиц на исключение не- достоверных сведений из государственных информационных систем, а также признания документа не представленным в госу- дарственный орган, если он содержит недостоверные сведения, что не является достаточным для обеспечения прав лиц, исполь- зующих официальную информацию. Результаты. По мнению автора, основным признаком официальной информации (в том числе содержащейся в ГИС) является презумпция достоверно- сти, из которой вытекает не только обязанность государства обе- спечить достоверность официальной информации, но и соответ- ствующие гарантии ее пользователям – в том числе признание добросовестности поведения, опирающегося на использование такой информации. При этом не любые государственные инфор- мационные системы объективно могут выступать источником официальной информации, что требует внесения в закон соот- ветствующих уточнений. |