государственный контроль

Features of Constitutional and Legal Regulation of Public Control in the Soviet System of Public Administration

The article of E.V.  Berdnikova  is devoted to the historical analysis of features  of a constitutional and legal regulation of public control in the Soviet system of public administration.  Object.  The main object  of the work is to study the specificity of social control as  the constitutional and legal institute of the Soviet legal system.  Results.  The author analyzes  the regulatory  framework, which laid the basis for the organization of the system  of public control over the activities  of public authorities in Soviet Russia. The paper shows that social control is only  a tool, which the Soviet government skilfully used  in  the ideological and organizational  direction,  turning it against  unwanted new mode of social subjects, forming the basis for the so-called principle of democratic centralism, a closed  totalitarian system of government decision-making.  Conclusions.  In the conclusion the author deduces about the feature of the formation of people’s  control of the USSR, their functioning and accountability  predetermined by the fact  that the mechanism  of social control was offset by a control state. When the external effect  of a democratic socialist system of public  control of the workers are not given the role of managers but the managed. The formality of the idea  of Soviet democracy  Deterministic practical essence of people’s  control as  one of the activities  of the legislature.