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Formation of an Entreprenurial University in the National Innovation System

Introduction. Recently, the market of educational services is growing and for viability, the university needs to increase its competitiveness, expand the boundaries of its activities, develops its potential. Theoretical analysis. A number of scientists with different visions of the process of generating knowledge worked on the understanding of the role of the university in the economy, thus several theoretical models were developed in which the phenomena of the entrepreneurial university are disclosed. Empirical analysis. In connection with the absence at the time of the developed system of indicators for assessing the entrepreneurial potential of higher education institutions, a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of entrepreneurial potential was proposed, taking into account the indicators of the six main potentials of the university, which allows to determine how effectively they realize their opportunities and use their own resources to implement the entrepreneurial Function. According to the proposed methodo logy, the entrepreneurial potential of four Saratov universities was assessed and conclusions were drawn. Results. On the example of the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. Recommendations are developed to improve the organizational structure of the university as an entrepreneurial institution on the basis of the proposed list of entrepreneurial functions and structural and functional analysis of the university. Measures have been developed to develop the entrepreneurial activity of the university in the national innovation system.