inequality of the income

nfluence of Level of the Income of the Population on Development of the Manpower of the Region

Important indicators of level of living of the population
of the region is the income. Relevance of research is caused by
that now unevenness of income distribution of the population of the
region is great. Methods. In this research-level approach, and also
methods of comparison, the analysis, generalization and systematization
of data were used. Theoretical analysis and discussion of
results. In article income analysis of the population is carried out,
differentiation of the income of the population by types of economic
activity, national groups is characterized, comparison of the actual and
planned measure values of social policy of the region is performed,
influence of level of the income on development of a manpower of the
region is revealed. Conclusion. So, the income of the population
is higher, the level of living of a manpower is higher. As now the big
share of the population with the high and average level of the income
has opportunity to provide the development so far as there will be an
improvement of economic and social situation of the region.