информация о проведении общественного контроля

Questions of Legislative Regulation to Effectively Ensure Information Support of Public Control

Introduction. Public control is a mechanism with the help of which civil society influences the activities of government authorities. An important element of public control is to provide free access of citizens to the information about the subjects, objects and forms of public control, and a broad discussion of its results. Theoretical analysis. Establishing the legal basis of public control, the Russian legislation proclaims the publicity and openness of public control; it sets up the conditions to ensure information support of public control; the law establishes the rule of public access to the information on public control except for the information constituting a state secret and other types of secrets, as well as personal data; it regulates the rights and obligations of subjects and objects of public control relating to the provision and disclosure of information. However, these rules set only a legal framework; the issues relating to the ways in which citizens obtain information about the implementation of public control have not been studied sufficiently. Empirical analysis. The most significant drawbacks of the legal regulation to ensure information support of public control are: the disarray of information resources that contain information about various subjects and forms of public control, which leads to the fragmentation of information and makes it difficult to search for it; the lack of a mandatory list of information items on public control, which makes it difficult to monitor the information support of public control; the lack of information and legal guarantees of public control. Results. The following ways to improve ensuring information support of public control in terms of organization and legal nature are offered: legal regulation to create and ensure functioning of the unified state information system of public control should be implemented; the list of information items on implementation of public control and its results that are compulsory to be openly published should be included in the text of Art. 8 of the Federal Law “On the basis of public control in the Russian Federation”; additional legal guarantees of access to information on public control should be established.