инновационное региональное развитие
Approaches to the Methodology for Assessing the Contribution of the University in the Innovative Development of the Region |
Introduction. Strengthening the role of universities in regional development is determined by the relevance of the studies to identify the direction of the impact of the university on the region, as well as to assess how effective are the results of the impact of regional development. Theoretical analysis. To identify and assess the role of universities in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic development of the regions and innovative. Methodology of the study. The development of a methodology for assessing the contribution of the university in the innovative development of the region involves determining approaches to setting trends, the degree of time and the impact of changes in the environment of the object of its operation. Evaluation of the contribution of the university in the innovative development of the region – an assessment of the impact of its dynamics on change in the functional structure of the region. Results. Rate the university’s contribution to the innovative development of the region on a functional approach proposed by the following parameters: the presence of knowledge economy in the functional structure of the regional economy; its share, the nature of the interactions functionally organized units of the regional economy, the presence/absence of innovation rents; the level of innovative competitiveness of the regional economy. Drafted assessment will determine the presence and nature of the contribution (positive/negative effect) University in the innovative development of the region. |
Universities Impact on Innovative Development of Regions: an Empirical Analysis |
Introduction. In recent decades, questions the impact of universities on regional economic development and the search for the most effective mechanisms and instruments of cooperation of universities and regions attracts more and more attention from researchers and practitioners. Methodology of the study. In this article it was set the goal – to study the influence of Russian universities in the innovative development of the regions. To assess the impact of universities on the performance of innovative development of regions were used statistical data of Federal service of state statistics for 2010–2013. The factors characterizing the influence of the university, was chosen set of statistically observable on the financial performance of national research universities. To assess the level of innovation development of the region was used the method of integral rating analysis of innovative activity and knowledge production function model. Results. Analysis of the correlation of the analyzed regions of the Russian Federation shows significant differentiation parameters and dynamics influence the activities of national research universities in the innovative development of the region. By increasing the amount of funds they have received R & D contracts with businesses in relation to their total revenues to 1 million rubles, the level of innovation development of the region will increase by 4.8499 units, which indicates good prospects for the development of regions with the active collaboration of universities and business. |
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