
Formation of Infrastructure of the Nanoindustry in Innovative Development of Russia

In article theoretical approaches of formation and development of a nanoindustry, process of formation of infrastructure of a nanoindustry within an innovative vector of development of Russia are discussed. Ordering of structural elements of information and analytical infrastructure of a nanoindustry by allocation of its main components of subsystems is carried out.

Concept of Develop of the Informational And Analytical Centre in the National Reseach University

Introduction. This paper is the concept of the development and implementation of information-analytical center under the National Research University. Theoretical analysis. The terms are specified and the theoretical aspects, the actual state of the information base SGU, the characteristics of the elements, the basic directions of work on the creation of information-analytical center are studying in this article. Empirical analysis. The article describes the algorithm of design and implementation of information-analytical center of the structure of higher education by the example of SGU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. It is concluded that the structural changes should start with a change in the information base, which has the following drawbacks: the lack of a genuine link between the process of learning and practice, and the lack of a common methodology for the collection and use of information processing. Conclusions. The solution to these problems would be creating of the information-analytical center in the SGU with specific functions and personnel structure. The article defines the goals, objectives and criteria of information-analytical center as a whole, the procedure for the formation and functioning of the algorithm. In particular, it is proposed the creation of a modular type, and create information modules correspond to the priority areas of the SGU.

Finance for the Social State

The article presents the research results of the roundtable participants of the Moscow international economic forum, held on 20-21 March in Moscow state University. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of empirical data are investigated sources of financing of the social sphere from the three major macroeconomic actors: States, firms, households have Shown the possibilities and restrictions of financing of the welfare state in the Russian economy. Methods: a systemic approach to the analysis of problems, applied methods of statistical analysis, a GUI method, analysis and synthesis. Results. Development of the social state in Russia requires the expansion of multi-channel financing of the social sphere on the basis of consolidation of all civil society structures. Of the state: the inconsistency of budgetary and socio-economic policy of the state is manifested in the reduction of social spending (budget 2013–2015) that contradict the objectives of development of the country. On the business side: the absence of effective incentives for the development of public-private partnerships and the development of CSR. By the households: investment opportunities are limited by the shortage of financial resources the majority of the population, the Lack of funding, inefficient use of financial resources of the social sphere, become a factor impeding social and innovative development of Russia.

Long-term Planning of Innovative Development Mezoeconomic Level as a Factor of Formation of Innovative Strategies of Industrial Enterprises

Innovative  strategies  in industrial  enterprises  play an  important role  in implementing and maintaining a continuous  process of innovation. Currently improving innovative development for most  industrial  enterprises  is  an  important means of  maintaining  their activity  in developed areas and expansion into new directions.  Goals and objectives.  Long-term planning of innovative development mezoeconomic level serves  as  the basis for the development of projects  of medium-term programs of social-economic development of the industrial enterprises  of the Saratov  region, the medium-term financial plans,  innovative projects  and other documents for  companies. R esearch  methodology.  For industrial enterprises  strategy combines  the long-term objectives  and planned results,  as  well  as  the methods,  techniques  and tools to achieve these  goals,  solve specific problems, as  well as  for the rational allocation of resources. Results. The result of the considered  the author of the dependence of formation of innovative strategies  directly at the enterprise  from the planning of innovative development at  the mezo  level is the creation of an enabling environment and effective infrastructure for the formation of the Saratov area  of modern high-tech economy and sustainable development of its investment-innovation model.  Saratov region has the necessary  potential for the rapid development of innovation sector of  the economy (availability  of  scientific  schools and advance  in  applied  research).  For  further  development  of  innovative  sector  of  the  region  provides  for  the  establishment  of  base  areas of high technology  and a network of regional centers of innovation development,  energy saving and increasing energy efficiency  of the regional economy based on innovative development.

Factors Affecting the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. The problems of determining the composition of the factors influencing the innovative development of the region, the methodologies for measuring this influence and the development of tools for its evaluation are relevant in the context of developing potential mechanisms for stimulating regional innovation activity in modern conditions. Theoretical analysis. To study the sources of the difference in the level of innovative development in the region, an analysis of the regional factors affecting it is carried out and the directions for studying these factors are determined. Empirical analysis. The mechanism of influence of regional factors on the innovative development of the region, such as R&D staff, the industrial specifics of the region, urbanization, the sectoral structure of the economy, the structure and quality of human capital, research institutes, financial resources, the attractiveness of the region in terms of a set of living conditions business, as well as the interaction of the actors of the innovation system, the “innovation environment” and partnerships. Results. Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative development requires the development of special indicators and indicators, a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize innovation development, and the approaches presented to the selection of factors of influence on the innovative development of the region can be used as a basis for further analysis and development of models for assessing the effectiveness of regional innovation development.

Review of Modern Tools for Innovative Development Impact Assessment

Introduction. The problem of evaluating the performance of universities is exacerbated when it is required to quantify the efficiency of universities. To date, the search for methods of integrated assessment of the contribution of universities to the development
of regional innovation systems based on the relevant scorecard. Theoretical analysis. The basis of the technique of the contribution of universities in the evaluation of innovative development of the regions should be correctly selected scorecard constructed in such a way that they yield to quantify and were directed to assess the performance of universities on the location of the regions, it is important that considerations of accuracy and reliability of the assessment made. Empirical аnalysis. Based on the initial analysis of basic and specific parameters of 15 modern tools to assess the development of innovative techniques highlighted elements relevant for the construction the model of university’s impact assessment to innovative development. Results. The analysis outlined the possible elements for the construction of model of the university’s impact assessment. Regional innovation development: the system of indicators used to quantify the main innovation trends. Relevant objectives of the study is also the most common form of organization as large-scale evaluation of the analytical research method and index ranking of selected objects of study.

Model of Balanced Distribution of Innovative Resources of Industrial Enterprises Between Objects of Innovation

Introduction. In today’s world the use of information technology in an industrial enterprises is one of the key factors for its development. Information systems provide the stable functioning of the various companies, supporting all key innovation processes, as well as a source of analytical support for effective management decisions to ensure a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses some aspects of management of innovative resources of industrial enterprises and their ranking. Scientific concept of intentionality shows a balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprise between objects of innovation. The author’s model of optimization of «centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources, helps to minimize risk and effectively distribute them in the implementation of innovative projects based on environmental conditions based on expert judgment. It is proved that in the modern scientific economic literature devoted insufficient attention to the development of methods and tools for modeling and analysis of problem situations in innovation and innovative mechanisms for distributing resource of more often based on an analysis of only the financial performance indicators. Results. The scientific concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between innovation on the basis of modified methods produced objects innovation rankings (alternatives) and developed an optimization model «of centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprises. Conclusions. An assessment of the optimization model of «centralized scheme» developed by the author of concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation.

The «Triple Helix» in the Innovation System Saratov Region – Interaction and Disadvantages of Functioning

Introduction. The article deals with the content of theories of «Triple Helix», developed by Western scholars at the beginning of the XXI century, the essence of which is the need for innovative interaction of three driving forces of the modern economy – the university community, industry and the public authorities, and analyzes the practical aspects of this interaction in the Saratov region, shows the advantages and disadvantages of the relationship between data elements. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the interaction between the elements of the «Triple Helix» involves the use of methods of scientific research. These methods include systemic, complex, statistical methods, analysis and synthesis of the object, the use of special methods of research (interview data). Empirical analysis. In an innovative collaboration at the regional level, considering the possibility of capitalization available cash of material and financial resources of the region and it is shown that in the Saratov region to implement such a capitalization problematic due to the high credit debt in the region. Results. In conclusion, it is concluded that much of the functioning of the «Triple Helix» depends on the activities of the regional public authorities, which must implement appropriate economic policies to increase the capitalization of the available material and educational resources in the Saratov region, to prevent the «brain drain» from the region, to create favorable conditions for the implementation of innovations most gifted students, the scientific community and innovative businesses
