
Problems of Formation and Realization of Financial Policy in Russia

The article is devoted to research of problems of formation of financial policy in the conditions of world crisis, and also features of its realization in the Russian Federation as most important factor of stabilization of economy.

Strategies to Improve the State Russian Investment Policy

The process of interaction between economic entities of the national investment system at any level takes place in the context of economic instability, which involves improving the regulation of the state investment policy. Theoretical analysis. Theoretical analysis on the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical research on investment and state regulation of investment policy article the measures to strengthen the investment is recognized principles of formation and implementation of federal target programs coming years in order to ensure the rational and efficient use of public investment, suggests priorities of state investment. Discussion of results. The result of the study is to identify the most relevant and significant for the modern Russian economy’s strategic directions to improve the State’s investment policy.

To the Question of the Interrelation of the Monetary Factors of Investment Demand and Efficiency of the Economy

Introduction. The shocks that occurred in 2014 in the country’s financial markets, which gave rise to the current crisis, led to an understanding of the decisive role of financial sector behavior in determining economic dynamics. Economic policy, long held in our country, only nominally having the right strategic goals, caused stagnation at the expense of the means by which it was implemented. The chosen model led to the collapse of production, a decrease in the efficiency of the economy, significant economic losses and additional expenses of the state to mitigate the negative consequences of economic dynamics. Theoretical analysis. The research methodology is based on the principles of system analysis. Empirical analysis. During the research, statistical, correlation and factor analysis were used; empirical-theoretical, comparative, research methods, the method of synthesis of theoretical and practical material. Results. The study confirms that in order to ensure the sustainable development of investment relations, monetary stimulation of investment demand and the formation of an effective state economic policy to stimulate investment are necessary.

Moral Component of Economic Consciousness and its Role in New Industrialization of Russia

The maintenance of national security and the
implementation of a strategic course for innovative development in
conditions of economic sanctions by the Western countries and the
need to raise the issue of new industrialization of import substitution
(reindustializacii). Implementation of the strategy requires action on
the reindustrialization of the financial resources of the innovation
process, affecting the economic interests of the subjects, moral
norms and the principles of economic consciousness. Methods.
The study uses treatment of concepts in the scientific literature, the
dialectic of the General and specific, multidisciplinary and production
approaches. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the
role of ethical-moral component of economic consciousness in new
industrialization strategy. Emphasizes the importance of moral and
ethical values and attitudes of entrepreneurs in making decisions on
the use of the proceeds-or for the development and modernization
of production, or for personal enrichment and export capital abroad.

Results. The level of morality of real proprietors of the national wealth
in Russia, financial oligarchy allows you to use the power of the State
not to invest in innovation, and in their own interests through corruption,
lobbying, development and adoption of the State budget and
other economic and political decision-making. From the entrepreneurs
observed deformation of ethical principles and standards of conduct,
which is manifested in violations of labour standards. Approach to
addressing violations of morality must be a system, and legislative,
economic, and psychological and ideological measures.