investment processes

The specifics of the concentration of investment processes in the field of ICT- technologies in the Russian economy

Introduction. The relevance of the problems of this article is confi rmed by the fact that the existing and accumulated to date world and domestic experience demonstrates the growing interdependence between the growth of the national economic system and the development of its information systems and technologies. Currently, the development of ICT systems and technologies is associated with the processes of transformation and modifi cation of various activities and sectors of the economy, as well as improving the quality of human life and the effi ciency of business processes. Theoretical analysis. Theoretical analysis examines the methodology for calculating the tools used in the article to assess the degree of economic concentration. Еmpirical analysis. In order to identify the specifi cs of the processes of concentration in the Russian economy in the fi eld of ICT-technologies, using such indicators as the Herfi ndahl-Hirschman index (HHI) and the concentration index (CRk), the calculation and assessment of the concentration dynamics of the volume of investments in fi xed assets directed to the purchase of ICT-equipment. The concentration analysis has been carried out both for the Russian economy as a whole and for individual federal districts. Results. The result of the study is the conclusion that there is a clearly visible trend towards strengthening the process of concentration of the volume of investments in fi xed assets directed to the purchase of ICT-equipment in the Russian economy. At the same time, it has been found that within the various federal districts of the Russian Federation there is a multidirectional process of concentration, which manifests itself both in an increase in its degree in some districts and in a rarefaction of concentration in others.