juvenile justice
Juvenile Justice in Russia: the Needs of Creation and the Problems of Formation |
Introduction. The article deals with the preconditions for the emergence in Russia of the juvenile justice. The author investigates the prerequisites of becoming a juvenile justice system in prerevolutionary Russia. An analysis of the historical experience of our country, the current state of the social spheres of public life in Russia, juvenile delinquency, the views of supporters and opponents of the establishment of a system of juvenile justice, the author comes to the conclusion that in the modern period in our country there is a need drastic improvement of juvenile justice. Results. The analysis of the modern Russian system of administration of justice in relation to minors and the historical experience of the country suggests the need for Russia to juvenile justice system. Conclussion. The study author showed that the introduction of juvenile justice, which puts its primary objective the use of the positive impact of the family, to protect the adolescent from the adverse effects of modern society and its initiation to a normal life, will reduce the number of juvenile offenders, as well as to improve the work with adolescents have committed a crime. |
Номер журнала 497 |
Juvenile Technologies as a Guarantee of the Rights of Juveniles at the Trial Stage in the Russian Federation |
Introduction. The article deals with the general and additional legal guarantees to a minor during the administration of justice in the court, as well as the analysis of the concept of «juvenile technologies» to guarantee the rights of the minor defendant at the trial stage. On the basis of analysis of the available science and practical points of view, an attempt to own the original definition of «juvenile technology». The author examines the practical application of technologies in juvenile courts in the pilot projects in different regions of the country, with a view to further legislative consolidation and application throughout the territory of Russia to solve problems of teenagers caught up in the risk zone. Results. The analysis of the positive experience with the juvenile technologies in different regions of the country, and also investigated the problems of modern Russian society, decide that allow the formation of the juvenile justice system. Conclustion. The study author showed that the experiences of juvenile technologies in pilot projects in the country, as well as the level of crime in the whole country shows the author comes to the conclusion that coordinated action by all government agencies and civil society organizations to strengthen preventive work with juveniles and a radical improvement of justice juvenile. |
Номер журнала 553 |