Khvalynsk ski resort

Cluster Approach in the Development of the Service Sector: The Regional Dimension

Introduction. Nowadays, clusters in the service sector formation becomes one of the characteristics of the Russian economy region development. In accordance with The Federal Aim Program for the period from 2011 to 2018, the Saratov region is not among the federal subjects which were included in the program of federal funding assistance to promote the creation of clusters in the service sector. Despite this, we consider the possibility to discover such cluster (emerging cluster or developed one) in the territory of the Saratov region. Theoretical analysis. The “complex” and “cluster” concepts have been investigated at theory chapter of this article. We make critique of the authors who have being confused these two different concepts. Also, we recommend that substitution and the same identification of these two concepts should not be allowed. In addition, there is the clusters in the service sector classification according to the core presence and the localized connection in this article. Empirical analysis. The article presents analysis of the Khvalynsk cluster in the service sector formation and the perspectives of its development. It have been proved that the Khvalynsk cluster is a nuclear- product one. Khvalynsk ski resort can be considered as the core of this cluster. However, Khvalynsk district possesses all the requisites and characteristics to turn from the product cluster into the territorial cluster, based on two cores, the winter cluster and the summer one. A set of measures to promote the Khvalynsk cluster in the service sector has been proposed in the article. Among these measures are the following ones: unique brand creation; the Khvalynsk district events as an instrument for promotion, Internet technologies application; transport infrastructure development. Results. The implementation of the proposed measures would be contribute to the realization of the potential of the Khvalynsk district as well as the creation of all-seasons cluster with the winter core (Khvalynsk Ski Resort) and the summer core (the complex of excursion and beach recreation facilities).