The Concept of Development of an Industrial Policy of the Saratov Area |
In article conceptual bases of working out of an industrial policy of the Saratov area are considered. The author also proves necessity of realisation of a regional industrial policy by a program method. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 4 |
Improving of Russian Economy Competitive by Forming Information Clusters |
Introduction. Knowledge and the subjects whose activity results in increased knowledge play an important role in the modern economy, including information clusters. Theory. The “competitive region — competitive state” relationship is often considered in the design of clusters. Analysis. The information cluster, allowing for its specificity, should be macroeconomic, considered at the country level. Results. The structure of a competitive economy, developed by the author, allows one to consider macroeconomic clusters as a basis to ensure and improve the country’s competitiveness and to consider competitive business entities as a framework determining the competitiveness of the region and the country. In today’s Russian Federation, the formation of clusters goes quite active, with the support of governmental agencies; however, the number of clusters is not high enough, many spheres of activity and regions being clustered poorly. Conclusions. Russian information clusters should be formed to promote a knowledge economy and an increase of knowledge to design a framework for improving the competitiveness of businesses, regions, and the country in the whole. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Formation and Development of Innovative Systems of the EAEC Clustering Based Economy |
Introduction. In modern conditions, determine the dynamics of innovation for economic growth and the place that occupied the country and the various unions in the global community. On the implementation of tasks to ensure the technical and technological modernization of the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union directed the formation of innovative systems based on the cluster approach. Theoretical analysis. The cluster approach allows the use of the capacities of all countries-participants of the Eurasian Economic Union in the innovation process and the translation of their economies on the path of innovative development. Discussion of results. The required level of interaction between members of the cluster can be achieved through the organization able to generate, transmit and coordinate innovation across the designated areas. As an organization at supranational level are encouraged to use high technology center and at the meso level is necessary to create a structure that will work with the high-tech center. With regard to the infrastructure of the Saratov region such as the organization proposed the establishment in the form of a municipal enterprise under the administration of the city of regional technological Chamber, which will promote the development of innovation systems of the countriesparticipants of the Eurasian Economic Union. |