Modeling the dynamics of regional competitiveness risks |
Introduction. To determine the strategic directions of regional development to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to rely on a systematic analysis of factors and risks, to use modern mathematical modeling tools. To construct dynamic models for assessing the risks of competitiveness, an approach based on the systems of Kolmogorov – Chapman diff erential equations for Markov processes is applied. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the method of applying the logical-probabilistic approach to assessing the risks of regional competitiveness. Empirical analysis. For a comparative assessment of the risks of competitiveness at the stage of preliminary data processing, cluster analysis was applied using a modifi ed k-means method. Based on the hierarchical system of regional competitiveness risks, the system of Kolmogorov – Chapman equations is formed. Dynamic assessment of competitiveness risks was carried out for three basic scenarios. Results. For a selected cluster of 33 Russian regions corresponding to a high level of socio-economic development, predictive estimates of the probabilities of critical events associated with risks of competitiveness were obtained using the example of a separate section. For optimistic, pessimistic and realistic scenarios, numerical assessments of competitiveness risks are obtained for various combinations of critical events. This made it possible to rank the regions by the probability of a decrease in the competitiveness of the regions in the medium term. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1 |
Clustering in the Training System |
Introduction. The development of the digital economy has a mixed impact on the development of individual spheres of the economy. Technological innovations introduced into production and non-production spheres involve personnel changes and the use of highly skilled labor. However, the system interaction of industries, markets, and spheres in the present time is shown poorly, dysfunctions arise, especially between the training of labor resources and their actual application in the production process. The solution to the problem is partly clusterization, which is formed in various spheres and branches of the national economy. Considering technological, information changes, as well as new qualitative characteristics of the workforce, a full-fledged mechanism for the formation of qualitative labor force in the modern economy under clustering conditions has not been created. Theoretical analysis. Clustering is considered separately for economic sectors, the mechanism of interaction between the system of training and production combined into clusters is not clearly defined. Existing approaches to the cluster interaction system are generalized. Scientific works touching on the problems of interaction between the labor market and education focus on the problems, functions, dysfunctions of such interaction and do not take into account the types of clusters, their goals and the transformation of the education system in Russia. Results. The evolutionary foundations of the application of clusterization in the Soviet economy make it possible to use clusters more effectively in the relationship between education and production in modern Russia. The models for the development of clusters of the USSR and in the conditions of the development of the digital economy are shown. The connections of cluster interaction with the system of personnel training according to the levels of the modern education system in Russia are shown. |
Development of Innovative Business and its Clustering in the Conditions of Globalization |
Introduction. Modern economy in the context of growing globalization needs in forming effective innovative mechanisms and functional models of innovation development. Theoretical analysis. Globalization as a process covering all areas of social development has a strong influence on innovation policy, until its strategic aims, directions and mechanisms of implementation. One of the challenges of globalization becomes an innovative development of States. Appear firm fully focused on innovation, in particular the role of flagship of the innovative development of TNC and major national business structures. With regard to aspects of regional innovation development, the most important trend here is the clustering of production systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends of innovation development in the context of increasing globalization, and on the other hand to analyse the peculiarities of regional specifics innovatizacii. Results. It is revealed, that in modern conditions of globalization processes more complex. It has been established that innovative economy increasingly penetrates into national economic systems and distributed to a growing number of countries, both developed and developing. Researched critical factors of the innovation economy. Proved the need for convergence between business and Government to better utilize all the benefits of globalization and innovatizacii of the economy. The role of TNCs and other business structures as the “locomotive” of innovation and economic development. Lists the main trends in the development of models of innovation policy. Give special attention to the clustering processes, which play an important role in promoting regional economic integration. |