комплексное исследование

Personal protective equipment (SIB) – bulletproof vests as objects of ballistic and medical-forensic research

Introduction. The cases of gunshot injuries (wounds) of persons using personal protective equipment (body armor based on textile and composite organoplastic armor), that occur in investigative and expert practice, require a comprehensive approach to diagnostic studies of traces and injuries, both on the human body and on non-biological objects (materials of body armor and clothing items). Methodology and results of the study. The organization of studies of gunshot injuries on the human body and on the means of individual armor protection is possible in the form of a comprehensive medical and forensic examination or a complex of forensic medical and criminalistic examinations. In the course of diagnostic complex studies of gunshot injuries on the human body, materials of his or her body and clothing items, the circumstances of causing a gunshot wound to a person are confirmed with an explanation of the mechanism of damage formation on the human body, body armor and clothing items. Discussion of results. The methodology (algorithm) of studies of gunshot injuries of SIB – bulletproof vests does not diff er from traditional comprehensive medical and forensic studies of gunshot injuries on a person’s body and items of his or her clothing, but it requires taking into account the structural features of personal protective equipment that aff ect the volume and morphological signs of personal protective equipment injuries (including taking into account the protection class of a particular instance of the body armor under study). As a result of the study of the SIB – bulletproof vest, important circumstances of causing a person a gunshot injury can be established and explained – the mechanism of damage formation on the body and objects of the personal protective equipment and clothing of the victim, the posture of the victim at the time of injury, the presence of combined bodily injuries on the victim’s body, if there is a projectile that caused the injury or its fragments extracted from the parts of the personal protective equipment, the causes and mechanism of deformation of the projectile or the causes of its fragmentation (dismantling).

Possibilities of Integrated Research into Traces and Damages Arising from Application of Electric Shock Devices

Introduction. In the investigation of criminal cases involving the use of electroshock devices (ESD), it becomes necessary to use special knowledge to determine the nature and mechanism of damage to a person’s body and clothing due to electric shock. The specificity of damage formation leads to the use of special knowledge in the form of expert studies. Such studies are possible in the form of a comprehensive forensic medical examination or in the form of a complex of forensic and forensic studies (examinations). Research and results of the study. Research methods for injuries on the human body and on items of clothing that have arisen under the influence of electric discharges of ESD are shown. The paper describes the method of obtaining experimental injuries on the studied garment, as well as the results of a comparative study of the morphological features of the investigated and experimental injuries. The possibility of damage formation on the body of the victim and on the subject of his or her clothes as a single damage with repeated exposure to damaging factors of the ESD is shown. The possibility of establishing a group affiliation of the ESD in accordance with the damage to clothing is shown. Discussion of results. The author highlights the similarity of the methodology (algorithm) for examining traces and injuries on the human body and items of clothing resulting from the use of ESD with the methodological approaches of traditional comprehensive forensic investigations of injuries on the human body and items of clothing.