комплексное социально-экономическое развитие

The Rating Method of Complex Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities in Russian Regions

Introduction. Municipalities of the Russian Federation as well as Russian regions face the socio-economic development inequality at present. The study of the socio-economic situation at the level of municipalities and the complex socio-economic development rating estimation meets the needs of local governments. Theoretical analysis. The complex municipal socio-economic development rating method has been developed in the research at comparison of the main approaches to socio-economic territories’ ratings. The main methods of economic rating of the territories were analyzed and advantages and deficiencies of each were defined. The use of the integrated rating assessment method was substantiated in the article. Empirical analysis. The method of complex rating evalution has been proposed in the research. The proposed method Управление 313 is based on private ratings, which are estimated by the relative indicators that characterize economic development, investment activity, social sphere development and the standard of living of the population. Results. The approbation results of the offered method are presented. Private ratings of socio-economic development of municipal areas in the Saratov region were calculated and an integral rating of complex socio-economic development of these municipalities in 2017 was estimated. Discussion of the achieved results is presented.