миросистемный анализ

Theoretical and Methodological Modelling Based on the Major Cycles Concept of by N. D. Kondratyev: Problem Statement

Interest in major cycles concept by N. D. Kondratyev has been lately linked with its applied usage for analysis and evaluation of the perspectives of economy’s crisis state of leading countries and world economy. Development of fundamental economic theory and formation of renewed educational courses by means of theoretical and methodological modeling can be carried out within the framework of major cycles paradigm by N. D. Kondratyev. Research methods. The article presents the theoretical and methodological modeling potential based on the major cycles concept. The study uncovers the interconnection between model factors: technological, social and demographic, ecological, capital accumulation, dynamics of the monetary conversion sphere, outlet market development, correlation of forces between different countries on the world market, actions of social groups inside separate states. Results. Major cycles define the dynamics of development of the society’s economic development, which can be viewed as a special economic paradigm, which is a system of economic knowledge and practical skills, behavior samples, stimuli and regulators of reproduction, organizational forms, legal, cultural, religious norms, and ideological settings. There is a close interconnection between dynamics of country economy’s conjuncture and state enterprise. The article shows the possibility of theoretical and methodological modelling of spatio-temporal design and economy’s long wave oscillations within the framework of the world system analysis. Conclusion. Interchange of periods of long-term falls and rises in the Russian economy coincided with the change of state enterprise practice. Repetition of events shows the consistency of transition from one economic paradigm to another under conditions of revolutionary breakage of all social norms.

Century of Mobilization Development of the Russian Economy

Introduction. Researched sustainable secular trend of mobilization development of the Russian economy since the beginning of the First World War in 1914. Theoretical analysis. Outlines the main theoretical and methodological assumptions put forward scientific hypotheses: the mobilization of the economy as a result of government entrepreneurship, limiting the share of consumption and increase the share of savings in the structure of gross product of the country. Dynamics of the statistical indicators of the mobilization of the Russian economy – a share of consumption and accumulating in the national income, a share of consumption and a saving in gross domestic product – on chronologically consecutive historical intervals is analyzed. Results. Consecutive alternation within century of three models of the Russian economy speaks: the military mobilization, investment mobilization and rent-mobilization. It is proved that the trajectory of mobilization development of the economy of Russia/ USSR was caused by its semi-peripheral status in the international division of labor, and the vector of government entrepreneurship was determined by the intention of the ruling power to enter the group of advanced countries. Conclusions. The estimation of rent-mobilization model of the modern economy of Russia as the abnormal condition typical for the peripheral countries is given.


Введение. Модель государственного предпринимательства обусловливается историческими условиями развития, географическим положением и национальной спецификой стран. Методика исследования. Государственное предпринимательство играет ключевую роль в концепции миросистемного анализа. Модель государственного предпринимательства определяет место государства в экономической системе и обусловлена позицией страны в рамках международного разделения труда по оси: держава-гегемон – центр – полупериферия – периферия. Результаты исследования. Европейская модель государственного предпринимательства – модель центра миросистемы. Она основана на условиях справедливого распределения доходов между государством, бизнесом и домашними хозяйствами. США как гегемон мировой экономики имеет модель государственного предпринимательства, основанную на получении доходов из внутренних и из внешних источников, подвергая монетарной эксплуатации остальные страны. Модель государственного предпринимательства стран периферии обеспечивает поставку хозяйственных ресурсов в регионы, занимающие более высокую иерархию в мировом разделении труда. Промежуточное место между американской моделью государственного предпринимательства и моделью стран периферии занимают модели стран полупериферии, в том числе российская модель экономики. Заключение. Россия по-прежнему остается полупериферийной страной с исключительно сильным влиянием на экономику государственного предпринимательства.