
Using Multi-state Markov models to predict the probability of borrowers’ default

Introduction. After the crises, lenders realized the importance of assessing the risk of default on loan portfolios in various economic conditions. Modeling of credit risk assessment occurs mainly using internal ratings of banks based on probabilistic models of defaults of borrowers over a certain period of time. Theoretical models. Three models are considered. The fi rst is a naive Markov model with R states. The transition matrix is given. The second is a Markov model with multiple states with covariates. Macroeconomic indicators are proposed as covariates. The third model is multinomial logit regression. Approbation of Markov models and multinomial regression on simulated and real data of borrowers’ defaults. We investigate the possibility of using multi-state Markov models to predict borrower defaults in fi nancial institutions over time. Three approaches are considered for credit risk modeling. The fi rst approach assumes that the transition probability matrix is constant over time, and the residuals of the Markov model and logistic regression are taken into account further when forecasting over the time horizon. The second one is supplemented by the Markov model, which takes into account the impact of default risks on migration, both individual factors of borrowers and the economic situation in the country. Using covariates, the models made it possible to simultaneously estimate the transition rate and the probability of erroneous classifi cation of states. A multinomial logistic regression model is considered to compare the results obtained using multi-state Markov models. The proposed models are tested both on real and simulated data. Conclusion. The presented models show good predictive results with high accuracy of default estimates. The models reproduce the structure of the generated data quite well. The peculiarity of the multinomial regression model in predicting defaults is its adjustability, and Markov models estimate the probabilities of defaults. To implement the model, software R was used.

The Modelling of the Economic Mechanism Development of Modern Russian Economy Innovation Sphere

Introduction. The development of the economic mechanism of modern Russian economy innovation sphere directly affects the development of state economy as a whole. The economic tool «modelling » in the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere can have a positive impact on state economy development. Through the development of this tool concerning the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere, it is assumed that a calculation will be made taking into account the impact of subjects of innovative factors on innovative development to determine the state of development when adjusting these factors. The calculation of innovative development is supposed to identify the optimal state and choose the appropriate strategy on the impact of the constituent factors of development on the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere. Thus, a tool is developed to facilitate the planning and forecasting of the state economy development. Theoretical analysis. Modeling of the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere of the Russian Federation demonstrates the level of the state innovation sphere development at present and is a tool that helps to forecast and plan further development. Empirical analysis. The components of the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere are revealed. Based on the identified components, a model for the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere was formed, as well as statistically, by building a model of panel data, the direct influence of groups of subjects of innovation-forming factors on the economic mechanism development of the Russian economy innovation sphere was proved. Results. The components of the variable model are important in explaining the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sphere. The process the economic mechanism development of the economy innovation sector depends on the innovation process.

Development of Models of Supply Chain Management in Retailing

Introduction. The situation in the retail trade of the Russian Federation is characterized by a number of negative trends: the lack of logistics infrastructure, reduced population activity of the population, active development of multi-format trade. Theoretical analysis. Supply chain of retail trade represent the complex network structure distributed in a large area production, storage and transportation facilities, including a large number of suppliers and retail outlets. The study resulted in a methodological base of logistics and supply chain management was systematic models, methods and concepts of supply chain management taking into account the specifics of flow processes in the retail trade. Results. The proposed algorithm for modeling supply chains in retail takes into account modern methods and concepts of logistics, but also based on the classification of trade flows by the degree of criticality of resources. The algorithm provides the possibility to control the suppliers, product lines and inventory. Systematic model of inventory management in manufacturing based on strategic management tasks. It is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness of supply chain modeling in retailing on the basis of indicators OOS and OSA.