models of state entrepreneurship

Specifics of the Russian Model of the State Entrepreneurship

In different historical periods and in different countries the model of the state entrepreneurship has special, unique features, its own forms and methods of influence on the macroeconomic dynamics and socio-economic development. The study of the specific Russian model of the state entrepreneurship is necessary to implement a successful economic policy of the government in our country. Theoretical analysis. In macroeconomic models the system of the national economy is determined by three key aggregate economic entities (sectors of the economy): households, businesses and government. The activity of the state, involving the use of public property and its sources of replenishment, aimed at increasing the circulation of controlled economic resources, has business orientation. A model of state entrepreneurship is determined by the national specificity of the country: historical conditions of development, a set of organizational forms, legal, cultural, religious norms, ideological, cultural traditions, and geographic location. Conclusion. The interrelation of economic and administrative activity of the state, hierarchical and financial supremacy of the state apparatus in the system of economic relations, the crucial importance of the budget in the economic life of the country is confirmed by the analysis of the historical experience of Russia.