
Specific of the Neoindustrialization and Modernization of Russian Economy

Introduction: In modern conditions, modernization of the Russian economy is of great importance. For this, it is necessary to perform categorical analysis of the concepts of “modernization” and “neo-industrialization” and to show their relationship. This determines the relevance of this research. Results: Modernization is characterized as a transition stage from one state of a system to another one, higher and better. It is carried out on the basis of neo-industrialization. The factors to hinder this neo-industrialization are: an inefficient structure of the economy and an unfavorable business climate. Spot and frontal modernizations are types of the modernization of the economy. Discussion: Neo-industrialization is understood as frontal modernization. It would require huge investments and should act as a basis of modernization. Elements of the technological basis get accelerated development in the neo-industrialization economy. Complex regularities of neo-industrialization as “innovative modernization” acquire dominating importance.

Mechanism of Neoindustrialization: Methodology of Justification

The mechanism of implementation of neoindustrialization of economy is an object of the research of economic science. Due to the short time the researches of the problems of neoindustrialization and complexity of modern economic situation, the changes of the legislation, the formation of new economic policy the problem of creation of the effective mechanism of implementation of the process of neoindustrialization of Russian economy and also the allocation and the involvement of the factors of its use requires serious study. Theoretical analysis. In the article the content of the mechanism of implementation of neoindustrialization of economy is investigated. It can be built on the methodological approaches to the analysis of economic mechanism, created in economic science, and taking into account the methodology of the analysis of process of neoindustrialization. Discussion of results. The result of the problem of the mechanism of neoindustrialization developed by the author was the interpretation of concept of the mechanism of neoindustrialization, the allocation of its components, the disclosure of concrete results of their interaction, the justification of the essence and its public mission, the role of this mechanism in the formation of texnotronical productive forces and in the transition of Russian economy to a new technological way is analysed.