non-tariff restrictions

Renaissance of Protectionism as a Concept of Economic Policy: Theoretical and Applied Aspects

Introduction. Changes in the balance of power in the global economy, the increasing role of the Asia-Pacific countries in international trade, the consequences of the global crisis of 2008–2009 led to a revision of foreign trade policy by both developed and developing countries, to an increased application of protective measures of national economy. Theoretical analysis. State economic policy aimed at protecting and realizing the interests of the national economy is protectionism in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, protectionism is considered as a foreign trade policy. The use of historical and logical methods in the study of the foreign trade policy of protectionism made it possible to identify the main stages of its development and the characteristics of each stage. Empirical analysis. The study analyzes the dynamics of the current and financial accounts of the balance of payments of Russia and the largest participants in international trade, shows the degree of their dependence on international trade and their vulnerability to the strengthening of protectionist measures. The article substantiates the need for Russia to pursue a policy of neo-protectionism, stimulate the generation of its own value chains and join regional chains, and actively participate in regional and preferential trade agreements. Results. At the new stage of the foreign trade policy of protectionism, its measures became more hidden, and the role of customs duties faded into the background. The desire to reduce non-tariff barriers, protect intellectual property rights, remove restrictions associated with manipulating the exchange rate, encourage regional integration, the conclusion of preferential trade agreements. In the future, having fulfilled a progressive role, regional and preferential agreements can be transformed into multilateral ones. The creation of a mechanism for such a transformation may become a new function of the reformed WTO.