пандемия COVID-19

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the policies of countries: The example of China and Nigeria

COVID-19 pandemic’s emergence came to the whole world as a rude shock which affected the health system of all countries of the world including the developed nations. The pandemic broke out in Wuhan China in 2019 and has since then been ravaging the whole world. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus disease as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and it was pronounced a pandemic. The virus came in to Nigeria in the year 2020 and since then, Nigeria as a country has been battling with the pandemic just as it is across the globe. The coronavirus disease has been affecting Nigeria in every sphere while not sparing every part of human lives and the environment at large. The measures taken to curtail the spread of the virus have negative impacts on the economy, judicial system and well-being of Nigerians generally. This article examines what COVID-19 is all about, its origin, effects and impact on the environment while considering the effects of COVID-19 on the administration of justice system in Nigeria. It also examined the various eff orts by Nigerian government in combating the pandemic by putting up some Regulations immediately in order to ensure environmental sustainability. Adequate recommendations were made at the end of the work.

Ensuring national economic security: Scenarios for the coronacrisis exit

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a trigger mechanism for the deployment of a global economic crisis that has engulfed all countries of the world. The aim of the study is to analyze the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global threat to the world’s largest economies. Theoretical analysis. Within the framework of the basic AD-AS model, variants L, V, N, W were modeled and possible scenarios for overcoming the crisis were considered. Empirical analysis. Anti-crisis measures and the main indicators of the economic security of China, the United States, Germany and Russia are analyzed. Based on international statistics, forecasts have been made to overcome the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. Conclusion. It is concluded that ensuring national economic security depends on the scenario conditions for economic recovery, on the eff ectiveness of macroeconomic policy and risk management at the global level.