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Globalization as Factor of Development of the National and State Economic’s Interest of Russia |
Introduction. Consideration of a problem of globalization in Russia began with collapse of the USSR when at first national economy began to join in world economic economy. From this point all advantages and shortcomings of globalization are reflected, positively or negatively, on economic development of Russia. Theoretical analysis. In a broad sense, globalization is a process of association of the countries and the people in political, economic, cultural and other spheres in the uniform world community. In this broad sense process of globalization corresponds to process of the internationalization meaning development and deepening of economic communications between the countries. Results. To estimate scales and level of globalization it is possible by means of separate indicators: to the loudspeaker of direct foreign in- vestments; growth rates of investment streams in comparison with growth rates of GDP; transfer of technological innovations. Based on three specified globalization indicators Russia shows rather good dynamics according to world level. The major factors of globalization as source of development of the national and state economic interests of Russia: increase in volumes of international trade; liberalization of the markets of the capital; growth of volumes of the direct foreign investments exceeding growth of volumes of foreign trade; distribution of technological innovations. Conclusion. The above-mentioned factors accelerating globalization such as changes and development of high technologies, the amplifying internationalization, liberalization of international trade, and the growing volume of the international investments, have direct impact on development of national state interests of the country. |
Номер журнала 497 |