право на производство информации

The Constitutional Right of Everyone to Freely Produce Information: Concept and Essence

Introduction. The article deals with a complex analysis of the constitutional legal regulation of the right of everyone to produce information. Theoretical analysis. The author considers various approaches of scientists to the content of the right to information. The right to produce information is generally considered as one of the warrants of the right to information. There is no concept of the production of information in Russian legislation, but at the same time, synonymous terms are used. They reflect the essence of the production of information, such as: “making”, “creation”, “editing”, “processing”, “formation”, “preparation” of information. The author considers constituents of the constitutional formulation that reads «everyone has the right to produce information». Results. The author notes that the right to produce information can be regarded as a subjective constitutional right to create an information product, regardless of its presentation in the process of creative, production and other socially useful activity of a person and citizen, as the right to make, process, prepare and edit information products with the aim of replicating such information. The author proposes to consider the right to produce information as an independent subjective right and formulates her own notion of the constitutional right to produce information.