правовой статус личности

Theory of Personality Constitutional Duties

Legal responsibilities of an individual are a kind of legal social norms. Every member of the society has a legal obligation (general, special, individual). Highlights from the legal obligationsenshrined in the states’ Constitutions. Purpose of article – to determine the total (theoretical) and specific constitutional duties of the individual. Results. Different theoretical approaches regarding the definition of «individual legal obligation» are analyzed as well as the justification of the values of the individual legal responsibilities to the state, society and citizens are identified. Common features of all the legal responsibilities of the individual are identified. Conclusions. Constitutional responsibilities are peculiar to all the features of the legal obligations. Constitutional responsibilities also have specific features caused by the Constitution of legal properties (they have a universal character, are the base for all other legal obligations, provide the ability to create order based on law in the society and the state, they are one of the conditions of existence of the state).

The Main Approaches of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to the Constitutional Principle of Non-discrimination

Introduction. As discrimination is a negative phenomenon, counteracting it is an important problem. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation plays considerable part in this process because it can protects subjects of law from law-making discrimination. Theoretical analysis. The article considers main approaches to the constitutional principle of non-discrimination, containing in legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regards non-discrimination as con- stitutional principle of law. The author analyses features of discrimination which were mentioned in Constitutional Court’s decisions and studies legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, addressed to the safeguards of the constitutional principle of non-discrimination. Conclusions. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation often addressed the constitutional principle of non- discrimination. Thereby, Constitutional Court interprets it owing to recognition non-discrimination as a principle of law, reveals its features and safeguards, develops and defends this principle.