President of the Russian Federation

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation on Rewarding by the State Awards of the Russian Federation

The article revealed the history of the institute awards in Russia, analyzed the latest theoretical and practical issues of national awards. Disclosed the original concept of state awards, as well as the democratic value of this institution in the Russian reality. The author covers the basics of the legal regulation of the President of the Russian Federation for State awards. 

Questions of Constitutionally-Legal Status of Auxiliary Bodies at President of Russian Federation

Introduction. The present article is concerned with the status of the subsidiary bodies, which assist the presidential power realization in the field of the person legal status specification, that is the presidential powers, enshrined in Article 89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (The President of the Russian Federation shall: solve the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and of granting political asylum; decorate with state awards of the Russian Federation, award honourary titles of the Russian Federation, higher military and higher special ranks; decide on pardoning). Results. The author studied the regulatory matters of the Presidential Administration, the Presidential commission and councils, which make up the system of the subsidiary bodies under the head of state. Conclution. Analysis of the practice of their activities allowed us to formulate the legislative development proposal through the adoption of the Federal Constitutional Law «On the President of the Russian Federation», distinguishing the chapter «The subsidiary bodies under the President of the Russian Federation», which will fix their status, formation and operation.

Problems of implementation of anti-corruption standards in relation to persons holding public offi ce: Constitutional and legal aspect

Introduction. The article analyzes examples of procedures related to the implementation of anti-corruption standards, taking into account the specifi cs of offi cial relations, their administrative and intra-organizational nature. Theoretical analysis. The author reveals the problems of implementing anti-corruption standards. It is noted that in most cases the offi cial legislation provides that the conclusions drawn from the results of all inspections are not binding. The fi nal decision in relation to civil servants is made by the employer’s representative; the decision with regard to persons holding public positions is taken by the President of the Russian Federation; at the regional level, the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercise control over compliance with anti-corruption standards. Empirical analysis. Currently, there is no specialized state anti-corruption body in the Russian Federation, but the need to create one is provided for by the UN Convention against Corruption. Results. The article concludes that the procedures for implementing anti-corruption standards in relation to persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation, as well as in relation to state and municipal employees, are essentially “internal” in nature. The constitutional and legal status of persons holding public offi ce requires monitoring their compliance with anti-corruption standards with the participation of various branches of government. To this end, a specialized anti-corruption body should be formed at the federal level in the Russian Federation, which may become an Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-Corruption.

The place of the President of the Russian Federation in the constitutional system of public authority (In the light of the 2020 constitutional reform)

Introduction. The constitutional and legal characteristic of the status of any body begins with identifi cation of its place in the system of power. It is this element that is permanently (continuously, incessantly) in the focus of the study of presidential power. Theoretical analysis. It is noted that the next constitutional reform of the Russian statehood is determined by a certain stage in the transformation of the presidential power, namely its modernization, constitutionalization and, ultimately, institutionalization. Empirical analysis. The practice of constitutional reform, conditioned by the transformation of the presidential power, is analyzed, and its new periodization is proposed on this basis. It has been proved that the content of the 2020 constitutional amendment is due to the constitutionalization of presidential powers in the sphere of public authority. At the current stage of the institutionalization of the presidential power, a proposal has been formulated to improve its legal regulation as a leading entity that ensures the unity of the system of public authorities. Results. The author concludes that the modern legal regime of public power is determined by the central place of the President of the Russian Federation in its system, which requires further constitutional and value regulation.

The Issue of the Legitimacy of Modern Constitutional Reform

Introduction. The reform of the Basic Law throughout the modern history of Russia has been determined by the political expediency of transforming the presidential power. Until the mid-2000s the constitutional inviolability supported by the authorities was aimed at preserving its political stability. Theoretical analysis. The Russian Federation has entered a new stage of constitutional development, due to the need for constitutionalization – giving a legitimate character to the prevailing presidential power. Any constitutional reform requires a theoretical understanding of its legitimacy, expediency, legality. Empirical analysis. The main factor in modern constitutional reform is the need for constitutionalization of presidential power. Results. The introduction of additional procedures for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution testifies to the political will of the President of the Russian Federation to enlist the support of active participants in constitutional processes, thereby putting the ongoing constitutional reform in a legitimate and legal form.