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The Concept of “Industry 4.0” as the Basis for the Industrial Sector Reindustrialization |
Introduction. The modern economy, based on digital technologies, poses the question for the public and private sector of how to modernize the industrial sector most effectively and smoothly through these technologies. Theoretical analysis. The researchers formed the idea of the need to modernize the industrial economy with the help of digital technologies, primarily through increasing the efficiency of planning processes and organizing the reproduction system. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the subtotals, the model of transition to the digital industrial sector Industry 4.0, introduced in Germany, is carried out. The key elements connecting the Internet of Things technology and the industrial sector of the economy are decomposed. The scheme of building global networks based on cloud-based platforms with communication between intelligent objects is considered. The main problems that enterprises face when introducing digital models in production are highlighted. Results. For the successful digitalization of Russian industry, in addition to harmonizing and harmonizing the interests of business and the state, developing an appropriate digital institutional environment, it also requires the development and harmonization of industrial standards, the implementation of a range of measures to ensure information security, training for digital industries and expanding cooperation in the “business – science – education – power” system. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1 |