regional innovation system.

Cognitive Modeling the Impact of a Regional System of Higher Education in the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. To find the most effective management tools for interaction of regional higher education and regional innovation system to analyze their mutual influence through cognitive analysis. Theoretical analysis. To assess the role of regional institutions of higher education in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic innovative development of the region. Empirical analysis. It is obvious that the education system and innovation system linked at the regional level. To construct the initial cognitive map, a model that reflects the current state of the education system and the regional innovation system and their influence on the innovative development of the region, used indicators of educational activities, research and innovation, human resource development, international activities, infrastructure, employment of university graduates, financial indicators. Results. Tools cognitive modeling can simulate the effects of decisions made on the interaction of all the actors of the regional innovation system: government, science and business at the regional level, and lays the foundation for the efficient use of the capacity of higher education institutions in promoting opportunities to promote regional development.