regionally engaged universities
Universities and Regional Development: Qualitative Research Theory and Methodology |
Introduction. The rising role of universities in regional development in Russia determines the importance of research able to assess universities’ impact and influence on territory’s development. Theoretical analysis. Due to complex functions of modern HEIs and diversified socio-economic environment universities turned to address wider needs of social development then it was defined previously by the classical concepts of universities. The universities’ society or community engagement is one of the important features of modern universities. The mechanisms of the universities’ social engagement could be derived from various analytical frameworks. E.g. the H. Etz- kowitz’ Triple Helix Model or the model of the universities’ multilateral and multilevel networking suggested by P.Arbo and P. Benneworth. Methodology. The model of the universities’ multilateral and multilevel networking presents the background for the universities regional engagement qualitative research. The paper highlights the methodological approach to the universities’ regional engagement qualitative assessment, methods of qualitative analysis, and results drawn from the qualitative research. Conclution. The qualitative approach to the universities’ regional impact assessment is argued as the most relevant to the strategic management goals set currently by Russian regional universities in order to address the regional needs effectively. |
Номер журнала 497 |